Listing of Articles & Papers
- Paper on Faith
- Once Saved, Always Saved?
- Erase Name from the Book of Life
- The Christian, the Law, and Legalism
- Logos and Rhema
- Spirit and Soul
- Who Do We Worship? Oneness / Jesus-only Worship Songs
- The Name Yahweh and God the Father and God the Son
- Who Do We Pray To?
- More on the Trinity
- Critique of Irvin Baxter's "Revelation Commentary"
- Harlot of Babylon According to Irvin Baxter; Trinity and Oneness
- Preeminent Role of God the Father in the Trinity, Part 1
- Preeminent Role of God the Father in the Trinity, Part 2
- Will We See God the Father after We Are Glorified?
- Some Basics on the Trinity
- Intro to My E-Book, "Righteousness, Holiness, and Victory Over Sin," and Romans 1:16, 17
- Intro to My E-Book, "Introduction to The Mid-Week Rapture"
- Genesis Chapter 3 (This article and the next two were published in July, 2014)
- Genesis 2:9
- Genesis 1:1-2:3
- Genesis Chapters 1-3
- Genesis Chapters 1-3 Notes A-F
- Selected Eschatological Psalms
- Selected Eschatological Prophecies from the Book of Isaiah
- Selected Eschatological Prophecies from the Book of Jeremiah
- ISAIAH 53: Meaning of Righteous, Righteousness, Justify or Make Righteous
- Zechariah Chapters 1-8; Malachi 2:17-4:6
- Matthew Chapters 24-25
- John 1:1-18; Colossians 1:15-3:17
- John 1:19-4:54
- John Chapters 5-8
- John Chapters 10-12
- John Chapters 13-17
- John Chapters 18-20
- Some Glorious Highlights from Romans Chapter 6
- Romans 8:1-14
- Interpretation of Romans Chapter 7 and Righteousness and Holiness
- Romans Chapters 9-11
- 1 Corinthians Chapters 2 and 3
- 1 Corinthians Chapters 10-14; Philippians Chapter 3; and James 3:1-4:10
- 1 Corinthians Chapters 10-14; Philippians Chapter 3; and James 3:1-4:10
- 1 Corinthians Chapter 15
- Galatians 5:16-25
- Ephesians Chapters 1 and 4; Romans Chapter 8 (verses 16-39)
- Ephesians 1:3, 4, 7; Holy and Blameless; Redemption and "Aphesis"
- Ephesians 4, Verses 17-32
- Ephesians 5, Verses 1-21
- Colossians 1, Verses 9-14
- Hebrews Chapters 8-10: "We Have Been Sanctified" Through the Better Sacrifice
- Hebrews Chapter 11 and Faith
- 1 Peter 1:13-19 and 2:24, 25
- 1 Peter 4:1-6; 5:10 and Victory Over Sin
- 2 Peter
- Revelation Chapters 1-10
- Revelation Chapters 14-19
- Revelation Chapters 20-22
- More Regarding God's Salvation Plans for the Nations
- Comments on The Islamic Antichrist by Joel Richardson
- Some Comments on Destined to Reign by Joseph Prince
- Some Comments on John Shorey's Teaching on the Mid-Week (Mid-Trib) Rapture
- Some Comments on Mike Bickle's End-Time Teaching
- Shall We Write Off Kenneth E. Hagin? Dave Hunt? How About E. W. Kenyon?
- Some Comments on Prophetic Scriptures Yet to be Fulfilled by Bill Hamon and Acts 3:19-21
- Some Comments on Four Blood Moons by John Hagee
- Some Powerful (Rather Shocking) Statements in 1 John: Christians being Pure and Righteous just as the Son of God is Pure and Righteous; Etc.
- Free Will? Liberal Christianity. Are Christians Punished for their sins? Tertullian and the Montanists.
- Meaning of Righteous, Righteousness, Justify, Make Righteous in the New Testament
- A Study on Sanctification that Builds on the Influential Teaching of William H. Durham (AD 1873-1912)
- Book Review: Physics of Heaven
- Book Review: Experiencing the Heavenly Realm - Caught Up to Heaven Through Visualizing Jesus?
- WARNING Brenda Weltner's rapture on Sept. 28, 2020 teaching
- Some Things That Will Take Place Before The Rapture
- Some Things that Will Take Place Right in the Middle of the Seven Years of Daniel 9:27
- Chronological Chart