The purpose of this web site is to acquaint you with the Bible teaching ministry of Karl Kemp and to make available some of his teaching materials. Extensive excerpts from his two books, Holiness and Victory Over Sin: Full Salvation Through the Atoning Death of the Lord Jesus Christ and The Mid-Week Rapture: A Verse-by-Verse Study of Key Prophetic Passages are included on the site, and the books can be purchased. Two other (later) books are now available, Righteousness, Holinesss, and Victory Over Sin and Introduction to The Mid-Week Rapture. The other books, which are also available in e-book format, should typically be read first; for one thing, the other books were taken from radio broadcasts and are easier to read, but the earlier books contain more information. There is a link on this site to all four of the books at amazon.com. Ten audio files of his fifty-two half-hour radio broadcasts are included on this site. Twenty-eight of the broadcasts are in the series Holiness and Victory Over Sin and twenty-four in the series The Mid-Week Rapture. One of the most important features of this site is the page where pdf files of a large number of his articles and papers page are posted. Most of these papers involve verse-by-verse studies of passages of the Bible.
About Mr.Kemp: Karl Kemp received BS and MS degrees in engineering from St. Louis University, and he worked on various space projects throughout the 60s. He became a born-again Christian in 1964, and he left engineering behind toward the end of 1969 so he could go to seminary, etc. He received an MA degree in Biblical studies from Covenant Theological Seminary in 1972. He has been a Bible teacher in the greater St. Louis area for about forty years. He has also taught quite a few classes in New Testament Greek. Most of his teaching has been verse-by-verse teaching of books, chapters, or passages of the Bible. The topic that he has studied and taught the most has always been holiness and victory over sin, but he has done a lot of teaching on topics like the end times, and on many key words like faith, grace, redemption, righteousness, and holiness.